Presentation given by Dr Kragh at the BRE, UK, 29 September 2011.
facade design
views on facade engineering, building envelope technology, and architectural envelopes
Saturday, 2 November 2024
Presentation given by Dr Kragh at the BRE, UK, 29 September 2011.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Position Paper first published at the Facade Tectonics 2020 World Congress.
Mikkel K. Kragh, Professor PhD MSc(Eng) CEng MCIBSE MASHRAE FSFE. SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering
What does the fourth industrial revolution mean to the design and engineering of facades of the future? We are experiencing a global technological revolution and the ‘archaic’ construction sector is at a crossroads. The global challenges of climate and the environment in combination with rapid urbanization calls for radical change in a highly fragmented sector, where definitions of disciplines and construction practice do not readily lend themselves to swift transformation and innovation. Technology and engineering may offer some of the possible solutions, but the challenges of the necessary transformation are formidable and will require new mindsets and new capabilities.
In this context, there is a fundamental difference between what we refer to as digitalization and computation. The façade engineer of the future will need to master computation and information technology in order to integrate complex technology, while still considering a multitude of design parameters pertaining to architecture, constructability, performance, cost and value. The integration and exploitation of computation throughout the different stages of design, delivery and operation of buildings will offer vast advantages through virtually unlimited optioneering, optimization, and hence potential gains in productivity, performance, and quality.
In an almost Darwinian sense, we are likely to see that those professionals and corporations that are able to adapt to and - to some extent - drive these changes will thrive while those that are not willing or able will increasingly struggle and fall behind. The paper outlines the promise of ‘I4.0’ and discusses through examples some likely implications on the practice of design and delivery of architecture and building technology with special focus on facades. Topics covered include automation of design and fabrication, parametric design, additive and subtractive manufacturing, optioneering and optimization, performative architecture, multiparameter decision-making, dynamic façades and transformable architecture, artificial intelligence, digital twins, augmented and mixed reality, robotics and drones.
future trends, computational design, design optimization, parametric workflows, digital fabrication, 3D printing, design processes
The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Frequently referred to as Industry 4.0 – is a term which takes on different meanings depending of context. Digitalization, computational power, connectivity, and automation are all parts of this rapid development and these and other factors are impacting on the construction industry globally. Façade Engineering integrates disciplines, technologies, and connects the phases of architectural projects from conception through to completion, and – consequently – this specialist discipline will not only potentially benefit from new technologies, it will also drive the integration of tools and methods across the field. Besides the development of new cyber-physical technologies and solutions, the façade engineers themselves will need to acquire new competencies and skills in order to master and develop new tools and reap the benefits of future technologies. This paper introduces a range of aspects of Industry 4.0 pertaining to the design and delivery of façades and briefly discusses their implications on the discipline of Façade Engineering and possible future roles and competencies of façade engineers.
The digitalization of the construction sector has revolutionized the exchange of data and the amount of information available throughout the ideation, conceptualization, design, construction, and operation of the built environment, including architectural facades. To a large extent, this evolution has converted traditional and conventional ways of working into a digital workflow, where the exchange of data and information occurs in a binary format as opposed to analogue media. At one level we talk about Digitization – i.e. the conversion of analogue information into binary data. We are transferring files electronically as opposed to mailing hardcopy blueprints. Digitalization, however, covers a much broader sense of digital working – i.e. new processes brought about by the advent of digital tools and connectivity. Within parts of these processes, we have seen an uptake of digital technologies, embracing vast opportunities for productivity gains and other desirable efficiencies. The world of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an example of an area where ‘big’ industry players are making strides, whilst somewhat ‘smaller’ firms and enterprises may be somewhat struggling to keep up or to justify the investment required to upgrade skills and tools.
Automation of design, on the other hand, is a fairly new field, which is likely to impact on engineering in general, and so also on the façade engineering discipline. A number of tasks in connection with design which follows codes and standards can be automated through fairly conventional or even trivial (spreadsheet type) methods. Where engineering judgement is required, where the design is based on first principles, when the design is performance-based, or where multiple criteria are weighed up against each other, the experienced designer plays a significant role. Here, design and engineering is needed to ascertain satisfactory results in terms of aesthetics, function, performance, constructability and cost. At this stage, design documentation and quantities can be produced and shared automatically by information management systems that can be industry standard or specific to a given enterprise or project. As a way of gaining efficiencies, these processes can moreover be approached through parametric design.
Rather than a representing a method or a set of tools, Parametric Design is an entire approach to problem-solving and to design and engineering. We are all familiar with studies of options when dealing with advanced geometry. Specific tools make it possible to modify macro-geometries and study consequences in terms of technical feasibility and architecture. The approach is much broader though, and parametric thinking is increasingly finding its way into areas such as building performance simulation and advanced visualization. Besides being a consequence of developments in computing and software technology, the trend is also testament to a new generation of designers, who are digital natives and apply mathematical and computational thinking to their work as a matter of course or as part of a drive to work more efficiently. In façade design and engineering, the coupling of geometry with performance assessment proves essential when dealing with advanced geometry and evidence-based rationalization and decision-making.
An example of a field where Industry 4.0 will impact on design and delivery of facades is what is frequently referred to as performative architecture – i.e. the integrated design of buildings or architecture with a strong focus on performance which impacts visibly on the architectural expression of the facades of a given project. A key to successful performative architecture is the ability to adequately asses performance and – depending on the technological sophistication of the concept – the understanding of technical feasibility of advanced components and systems. To this end, building performance simulation is becoming de facto standard and modeling is carried out at various design stages to varying degree of detail. Essentially the architecture reflects the concept of engineered performance and evidence is typically provided through sophisticated performance simulation that goes beyond empirical data, conventions, and standards.
As the tools are evolving, it gradually becomes possible to include complex systems in the models and consider multi-parameter, multi-criterion decision-making as an integral part of the design process. Dynamic facades and – more broadly - transformable architecture require complex technological solutions that need to be informed through engineering, which tends to cross traditional boundaries of disciplines and trades. Parametric approaches and integrated performance simulation should be coupled with insights and experience into technical feasibility of automation. The key is the ability to adequately articulate architectural intent and technical requirements in the communication with the design team and in contractual documentation.
A detailed discussion of the broad term Additive Manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing goes beyond the scope of this paper. Additive Manufacturing is a compelling technology which crosses the boundary between design and engineering of form and matter, bridging between design and fabrication. The potential benefits are numerous, and the 3D printing industry is developing at a fast pace.
The ability to manufacture bespoke components and tune material properties may yield advantages in terms constructability while making possible optimal solutions for a given set of circumstances and requirements. The distributed fabrication of parts potentially impacts on both logistics and design concepts.
Bespoke components and new materials are posing challenges in terms of verification of performance, code compliance, and certification. Consequently, development of reliable engineering tools and fully integrated performance simulation in the computational design process is going to prove instrumental to the viability of digital fabrication of components for construction.
There is much talk about smart components, smart buildings, and smart cities. We are currently seeing numerous systems and components that allow for control and automation, but we are yet to witness a real breakthrough in truly Intelligent buildings and facades that will learn and adapt – for example on the basis of user behavior or preference. Or even predict and adjust on the basis of weather forecasts and analysis of historic data.
Algorithmic, rule-based design and operation is not new. What is new is the opportunities offered by big data, computational power, and connectivity. Whilst the term Artificial Intelligence implies that processes are based on logic and algorithms, Machine Learning goes further to suggest that data is provided to computers that in turn will learn for themselves.
Big Data and the Internet of Things and connectivity and access to data are ever-increasing. The ability to process this data represents business opportunities and potentially enhanced operation and performance of buildings, including facades. We are starting to see software engineering in the field of automated diagnostics and fault detection. Building management systems of the future are likely to be more attuned to occupant behavior and preferences. Such systems, however, will only be successful provided that they are based on deep understanding of building design and operation. The value of such systems lies in the quality of data as well as the ability to extract meaningful information.
Besides opportunities for improved performance in operation, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning is increasingly becoming an opportunity for optioneering and optimization in the design and engineering of buildings.
The ability to model and simulate with sufficient accuracy coupled with increasing computational power offers interesting opportunities for optioneering and optimization. Through a structured and systematic variation of multiple parameters and analysis of results in terms of preselected criteria, we can afford to ‘test’ ever-increasing numbers of options and scenarios. The key here is the reliability of the models and the appropriate definition of assessment criteria. Given that, in façade engineering, the optimum is usually obtained as a compromise between completely different design aspects, the definition of rules and criteria is far from trivial. If only one well-defined aspect is considered, the task is comparatively simpler, but the trend is towards more involved models of multi-physics, economics, and other critical factors.
Topology optimization methods are enabled by supercomputing and represent significant potential for optimization when coupled with parametric design and digital fabrication such as additive manufacturing. In essence, topology optimization can significantly reduce the amount of a material used through advanced engineering and supercomputing of a multitude of options. The objective is to build ‘More with Less’, saving resources and reducing weight. The approach may be based on project constraints or open a more open space of solutions. The results often lead to forms resembling structures found in nature and they can also be defined based on inspiration from nature, as so-called biomimicry. As methods and tools evolve, such non-conventional construction forms are likely to become a key part of façade engineering and fabrication.
In the construction sector in general and the façade field specifically reliable models and design methods are fundamental. Research is therefore required to provide methods and tools that adequately represent what can actually be manufactured and built whilst exploring and engineering alternative integrated design options.
A digital twin is a comprehensive representation of entire systems that can serve to test different scenarios and possible alterations. Digital twins represent opportunities to trial designs virtually through advanced performance simulation and building management systems. User behavior and scenarios can be varied with a view to enhancing both building performance and user experience. Simulation is also used to design fabrication processes in the field of Automation, and this is likely to become an integral part of computational design and digital fabrication of facades. Rather than developing a concept, engineering it, and transferring the information to a production environment, the objective is to integrate these environments and design for manufacture and assembly. To some extent this is already happening, and progress is being made in the coupling of engineering with information on feasibility of digital fabrication and constructability.
New technologies in visualization are made possible through a combination of detailed digital modeling and enhanced power of computation. Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR, i.e. AR and VR together), are increasingly utilized to make available information in user-friendly and highly interactive formats. The prospective applications are numerous and include elements such as: communication of design options to non-experts, user involvement, co-creation, training, remote instruction, and public relations, to name but a few.
In the field of façade engineering, the access to interactive user interfaces in training and education, as well as on site and in a production environment, will not only potentially enhance productivity and competitiveness – It may also facilitate design team communication and replace comparatively costly physical mock-ups.
Automation and the use of robotics in construction represents potential gains in productivity and built quality. It may also ultimately eliminate dangerous, dirty, and dull work to the benefit of health and safety of workers. The health and safety aspects are also the focus on collaborative robots. One of the current challenges of robotics in construction is the non-standard conditions on site, which represent unpredictability, risk, and substantial added complexity to any automated process.
The quest for automation and construction robotics is partly driven by the ability to deliver customization and complex geometries at marginal added cost. A major challenge in making these solutions attractive is that current standards and design practices are developed for human labor and that consequently it is not straightforward to capitalize on advanced construction processes. The shift is likely to happen through a combination of industrialized off-site or even on-site fabrication processes and design for robotized manufacture and assembly. Façade design and engineering will thus need to reflect novel processes and constraints, which may not currently be considered by codes and construction practices.
In this context, drones can be simply seen as unmanned aerial robots with the potential to access hard-to-get-to areas and facilitate remote surveying and inspection, installation, and maintenance. Coupled with virtual and augmented reality this is likely impact to significantly on the roles of personnel in connection with façade installation and maintenance.
By nature, the discipline of façade engineering covers a vast array of aspects pertaining to aesthetics, building envelope function and performance, structure, physics, materials, constructability, cost, construction management, and procurement strategy. Façade engineers work across the value chain as either generalists or more or less specialized professionals. Industry 4.0 and in this paper Façade Engineering 4.0 - is shorthand for the technological (r)evolution we are currently witnessing. The rapid pace of technological progress presents tremendous opportunities. The progress, however, also puts pressure on the skills and competencies required to offer sound advice and deliver successful facade design and engineering. New competencies are required in order to unleash the potential for buildings that are optimally valuable to their users, their owners, to society, and to the planet. From concept to completion through operation and end-of-use the façade engineer needs to master computational design and more or less advanced digital tools. This means design for manufacture and assembly in a digital workflow, adopting a parametric approach and incorporating knowledge about automation and digital fabrication, as well as adaptive systems and performance assessment. Over the past years, a new generation of computer-savvy designers have successfully created new roles and jobs across the industry with focus on parametric design and advanced building performance simulation. The coming years will see this computational way of working expanding across the design and construction community.
The façade engineer integrates disciplines, trades and technologies. As an integrator, the façade engineer also holds the key to identifying appropriate solutions to complex problems. In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, this role is facilitated and empowered by ever-more evolved design tools. The role is challenged through myriads of new technological developments pertaining to the design, production, assembly, and operation of modern architectural envelopes. It is likely that the palette of specialist offerings will continue to broaden as this will allow for high value services. It is, however, paramount that the generalists are conversant with the numerous novel aspects of technology in façade design and delivery. A blurring of boundaries between traditional disciplines in unavoidable and this is an opportunity, provided that the façade engineers are willing to engage with the brave new cyber-physical world of Façade Engineering 4.0. Notwithstanding this, the fundamentals of tectonics and engineering remain key and cannot be replaced by automation of design and algorithms. It is therefore likely that the role of the façade engineer will be even broader than it is today. Optioneering and optimization will become accessible more readily through parametric working, computational power, and automated tools, while comparatively mundane code compliance checks will be incorporated and not constitute time-consuming tasks. The ‘4.0’ façade engineer will thus need to understand digital fabrication and will also need to collaborate with researchers and industry. The aim will be to contribute to next generation façade solutions and fabrication techniques that are maximizing the benefits of automation without incurring excessive costs thus maximizing value and worth.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is impacting on façade engineering as methods, tools, techniques, and manufacturing and installation technologies evolve. Some will say that the construction industry has not yet reached 4.0, but the fact remains that computational design and digital fabrication, along with connectivity, big data, and artificial intelligence, are already now impacting on the visionary world of façade engineering. Façade Engineering is a pivotal part of the integration of disciplines, technologies, and trades. Future work will follow numerous parallel and intertwined paths as the skills are broadened to adopt a digital way of working and develop a higher degree of automation in design and delivery. Façade Engineering 4.0 will be enriched by parametric ways of working and the coupling of digital design environments from design to production. To this end, a significant effort is required to transform traditional processes – intrinsically based on human labor and manual engineering – into processes that are structured to reap the benefits of automation and computational design. Research, development and innovation will offer opportunities to enhance productivity and quality, while crucially contributing to a global sustainable development.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
The Value of Design - Part I
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Words #003